bridge into school me into library. big music assembly today. the woman had all of the children in the palm of her hands. me hiding, spying on bridge. if he'd of scene me it might have been a scene. she had them all singing from the first verse and had some very clever children's songs.
and i must say the school sang very well together. on the way home the first optomistic news on the news of late
these guys are prepared to change the country's energy source. fully prepared.
home, and at a remix of blueman number for studio publicity. sounding better... but many details. some tech breakthroughs blah blah blah. bridge home, and seems to not be feeling well. spent all afternoon coloring animals, except for a funny arthur t.v. break with yo yo ma and joshua redman, and much bickering amonst the kids over what type of music is best the was another story which i remember being quite funny as i was nodding off...oh yeah, arthur starts to get hooked on this baby show the love ducks, which are an obvious satire of the teletubbies and boohbahs. hilarious. jane finally home and another tiff with bridge who was finally at the end of energy. jane as well. after a long going to bed, jane and i had a more serious talk about having another child. took jane some effort to wrap her mind around how i look at struggles and conditions and don't get pessimistic. it seems one of my great challenges to integrate the (my) rational mind's functional but fragmentating capacity with inspiration and creation. how to stay responsible to conditions but not be bound by them.