Victor McSurely

Saturday, November 19, 2005

visit from sister in law family day. exciting stuff for bridge, and a bit of a tornado in the house, with the 3, 4 and 5 year old all together. trip to the science museum, with me winding up watching the kids a lot while the sisters catch up. home and more kid sitting and watching acted version of madeline, which was impressively entertaining. off to a much less contradictory show at work, and then to the glenn's big 4-0 birthday party, a performance by the guitar quartet new england. not too shabby, though a little worse for ware (speaking to my own part.) afterwards i sat in with glenn and shaun, which was again not too shabby though a little worse for ware. spent some time listening to the rerelease of little feat's waiting for columbus in the car. i am somewhat entranced by this era of this band right now. their time feel the complexities and subtleties of the arrangements, and the flow of the songwriting. and am also noticing this quality that tony was mentioning at the course, which was about the attention given to the end of notes. i wonder if there is an acting term for the ability to end phrases and parts well.


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