Victor McSurely

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

up early. bridge working at his new desk, where he proceeds to work until 10:20 stenciling letters and shapes. visit from gus and luke, and they all fall into to this indescribable 4 yera old energy vortex of chaos and play which lasts long after i have to go to work. first in to co-op with jill (mother of gus and luke). on the way it strikes me how close we are, and yet how there is much we might never talk about, and partly never need to talk about. in some ways this unusual friendship is just about being together and the help that comes is just through that companionship, unlike many friendships i've had where there is a focus on figuring out personal problems and helping through problem solving. partly there are necessities about the relationship which are supporting what's between the children, which does seem remarkable, and has sustained now for 2 and half years. work was long and loud, but promising.


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