up to teach assist at sunday school. nice group of kids. during the candle lighting ceremony of children's chapel the first 5 kids lit candles for the death of a cat hamster rat rabbit and dog. happier thoughts followed not the least of which was bridge who lit his candle to celebrate that his mommy had gotten him a video game for christmas. much oohing and ahhhing from the others. did an alright job with the kids. home and improvising the day a bit. shari over with free and hazel, bridge so excited to see free and hazel that he could hardly stay in his skin. tiger, the cat coming to visit for a few days. in the end a nice day. over to the dojo to work with the circle the extra time i left myself to prepare being eaten up by various bodily necessities, and that too recurrent moment of wondering what am i going to do for these good people.
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