Victor McSurely

Sunday, December 11, 2005

into church to cover jane's volunteer spot for sunday school. did a pretty good job. i enjoy relating to kids. we made birdfeeders out of pinecones and peanut butter and birdseed. and then i was a tree for the kids to play birds hiding under. and then i called simon says. which thanks to frank sheldon i have a profound appreciation of. it's so great to watch children play it. they are astonished that they can discriminate between the two kinds of instruction. as they listen they are simply amazed that they can pay attention and know that if they do they will know if they are being tricked or not. and it's like this is the coolest thing ever. out shopping trying to find the food that will be best for this body now. and then realizing that i'm real low on blood sugar. home and a whirlwind of activity to prepare for jane's return, and for bridge, who is celebrating his 4 1/2 birthday today. in for a show, which was bizarrely sloppy by the band as a whole, and yet still spirited and appropriate. (the turntable still working) and then rushing home to be daddy (and somewhat a husband), and then back out again to talk with mary beth and glenn about this idea i have for opening up the circle to trail attendence.


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