played a new game we picked up yesterday with bridge. it's about dinosaurs and has true and false questions and multiple choice. interesting to watch the gears turn. he's never thought in those kind of catagories before. he's quite good at the game. actually there was only one question of all the cards he got wrong. on the way home from school he asked," what does 'false' mean?" beside the obvious 'opposite of true' i tried to explain how sometimes things that you first figure out to be true turn into something false because you learn more about them. like the iguanadon's thumb, which was first taken to be a horn on his nose. i asked bridge what the things were that were 'true': trees, flowers, mountains, the earth. and then i asked if the sun was true. he said it wasn't because it came and went, but then we thought about how it comes and goes in the same way, and concluded that it was special kind of true.
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