Victor McSurely

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

spent a bit of time replying to an email from an old friend, anita demas, someone i've known from first grade whom i went to school with all 11 years i was in school, whom thanks mainly to the internet has reconnected somewhat. she was letting me know what she found at our high schools 20th reunion. her's is a great perspective as she remembers the elementary school world. it's in interesting effect of the internet and technology that our history stays closer with us. there's no more just moving to the next town and starting over. perhaps now people will start to become accustomed to people reinventing themselves without going away. high school wasn't much socially for me in relation to my class as i was firmly embedded with the outsiders during the fallout of my half brother, gus, dying and my parent's divorce. dec 7th is gus's birthday. for years afterwards my mother and i would go and plant bulbs down on the potomac river near where he died. i believe there are so many down there one or two still make it up come spring. found out my car will take a long time to fix, and might be totalled, and as i started to see what i might be able to get should it be so, i got a little depressed. over to gus and luke's for a playdate. the highlight being flashlight hide and seek, which is just hysterical 3 four year olds hunting around in the dark with their flashlights for their parents. you can really get a glimpse of what a traumatic position the soul undergoes coming down here, and the fun that can be had. home and the little matters, and an hour at the intro. not one complete pass. damn. i'm going to have get serious.


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