Victor McSurely

Sunday, December 04, 2005

got to sleep in a little and then up to help with sunday school at the unitarian church. bridge loves making things and that's what they do there. the woman who ran our group was fairly sharp and i seemed to do well enough getting the new kid to find an angle to participate. during the church lunch i notice how vulnerable i am to my impressions of people, similar experience the night before at work, am having this very strange sense of seeing the whole mechanism of a person when they are talking to me... over to the wheeler's nice house in the new snow, bridge having more fun with his friends while i help andrew on his new bass. home and nap while b and j go out to a birthday party. jane is exhausted, and t.v.'s out drawing me in... afterwards a little practicing on moto perpetuo, which i can easily imagining working on for 2 more years. 3 or 4 minutes of music.... it's been a couple of months now, and i'm still enchanted with the opening bars.... after this i became drawn into a letter from a member of the circle, and wound up staying up quite late pondering it's significance.


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