Victor McSurely

Thursday, December 01, 2005

during the tuesday morning routine of getting bridge off to school my nieghbor calls. to say that someone just rear ended my car and is driving off up the street. fortunately while i'm out inspecting the damagethe young man (probably about 16) comes down the street with his nieghbor. he's really distrought. well, bridge who's been really upset about going to school is thrilled, it's a day off. though after a bad night's sleep, i'm wondering how i'll make it. well, turns out to be an ok day, we write a few songs. and spell out a list of all musical instruments. at night jamie edwards 40th birthday. spend most of the time talking to steve wilkes and jenny fordham. steve is just back from a long stay in japan studying the cutting edge of digital percussion. jamie's just back from his tour with amy mann. turns out to be a late night. jamie had good time. i had a nice exchange about where i'm at with my music carreer with shari. she's really rolling now with one cd out and another starting to cook. i'm in a long recovery from the sweepers it seems. partly from exhaustion, and partly i think because of the type of town boston is and type of person i am, though it couuld be that things are changing.


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